
Dr. Steven Tsuchida, DDS

Dr. Steven Tsuchida, DDS

Hillpoint Quarry

Dr. Olsen, DDS

Dr. Olsen, DDS

Serene Hideout

Sierra View Company

Sierra View Company

Beach Hut Deli

Beach Hut Deli

Ridge House

Ridge House

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Sierra View Company

Sierra View Company

With their office, this construction company wanted to show off different building elements to their clients.  The open ceiling showcases steel I-beams and modern LED light fixtures.  The transparent metal stud walls let natural daylight into the center of the office while showing off the metal framing common to commercial tenant improvements.   The automatic skylights have louvers that move as the sun moves also letting some natural light into the center of the office.  The estimator’s department was designed to look like a job trailer within the office. A pivoting mahogany door, cleverly sporting hammers as handles, welcomes visitors and employees into the conference room.   Amy tied in the existing storefront system of the building continuing into the lobby creating a small conference room.

Sierra View Company